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Product Introduction

3cc CsI Gamma Sensor
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Product Description

SemeaTech's 3cc Cesium lodine Gamma Sensor consists of a cesium iodide crystal, a photodiode, and a high-gain preamplifier that can be used to measure X and γ radiation from 50keV to 3MeV. It features high sensitivity and an instant response time (of about a second) to a very minor change of X and γ (0.01μSv/h).

The sensor is housed in a 45x24x18±0.5mm metal housing with a cable of approx, 55mm as the connection interface. The connector is a 4-pin MOLEX PicoBlade 1.25mm (.049'') connector (reference Molex connector, part No.51021-0400). Pin assignment are shown below:

Product Dimensions
Electrical Characteristics
A full width at half maximum of appr. 60μs quasi-Gaussian pulse
Power 2.7 V ~ 3.3 V
Bias 30 V recommended, maximum 50 V
Noise Level 80 mV ± 15 mV at room temperature
Detection Performance

Energy Detection Range 50 keV ~ 3 MeV
Response Time 1 s
Signal Amplitude 0.9 V ± 0.1 V @ 662 keV
Detection Efficiency 25,000 ± 20%count/uSv @ 662 keV
Noise Temperature Effect Refer to PIN diode characteristics
Working Temperature -20℃ ~ 50℃
Life Span 5 years
Upper Limit of Measurable Dose Rate 20 mRem/h
Static Current < 600 μA @ 3.3 V
Warranty 15 months